React — css styled component

Fred Wong
Published in
1 min readApr 6, 2022


I started to work with styled component in React and want to capture my learning here.

  • First we need to install the npm package npm i styled-components
  • import import styled, { css } from 'styled-components' at the top


Then we can start with a simple styled button component

const Button = styled.button`
padding: 20px;

Extending Styles

const YellowButton = styled(Button)`
color: yellow;

Conditional styling in styled component

Pass parameters to the div styled components

const Name = styled.div<{ $color?: string }>`
color: ${({ $color }) => (($color) ? $color: 'white')};
orconst Name = styled.div<{ $color?: string }>`
color: ${({ $color }) => ($color || 'white')};

div with default color and override with other color if it exists

const Name = styled.div<{ $color?: string }>`
color: white;
${(props) => props.$color && css`
color: ${props.$color};
orconst Name = styled.div<{ $color?: string }>`
color: white;
${({ $color }) => $color && css`
color: ${props.$color};

These 4 examples return the same result, but I personally prefer to have the default css value and override with other value if conditions are met. The readability looks better.

